Top Cancer Hospital In India
Cancer is a disease type in which abnormal cells start growing uncontrollably and destroy the surrounding cells. Cancer is treatable with the help of surgery, radiation, medication, and another form of therapy. The cancer treatments are used in three forms: primary treatment, adjuvant treatment, and palliative treatment. The goal of each of the treatments is different. Primary treatment removes any cancer cells in the body. Adjuvant treatment kills the cancer cells that might have remained after immediate treatment, and the aim of palliative treatment is to diminish the side effects of treatment. The different cancer treatment options include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, bone marrow transplant, immunotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted drug therapy, etc. There are various forms and types of cancer depending on the organ where the abnormal growth occurs. The common cancer types are breast cancer, Lung cancer, leukemia, etc. The branch of science that studies tumors and...