Should Asbestos In Homes Be Ignored Or Responded To?
Home is where the heart belongs. To create soulful homes, one needs to put their best efforts into building perfect houses. It is crucial to be informed of each ingredient used in making your house’s foundation. One such ingredient that you should avoid is ‘Asbestos.’ Asbestos in Artex creates a great visually pleasing outlook; however, its effects are pretty harmful. It is crucial that you talk to your construction manager and inform him about your choice of building materials.
- What is Asbestos?
Asbestos is a composition of six mineral fibers that have heat resistance, resistance to electricity, and corrosion resistance. These properties allow them to become great insulators, so they are used in construction particles like cement and are therefore used in house building. Since Asbestos is hard to damage or extinguish, it is pretty harmful. Once inhaled, these tiny particles can stay in the human body for decades and cause scarring, swelling, and physical damage.
- Use of Asbestos in homes
Let us make this clear to you. Asbestos as an
ingredient is a rich mineral with excellent durable properties that can be
pretty beneficial for building your houses. However, its interaction with the
human body is the main issue. Asbestos can be present in the following areas of
your homes:
● Asbestos in Artex: An Artex is a textured
surface coating mainly used to create patterns on the ceiling surfaces.
Furnaces, boilers, or ducts with a thin
asbestos lining or Asbestos made tape. It can liberate asbestos fibers if it is
not repaired well or damaged.
Millboards, papers, or cemented linings
surrounding the fireplaces can release Asbestos with time usage. Any external
cut, scratch, rough cleaning, or any mishandling in these areas can cause
Asbestos to scatter in the environment.
● Floorings, tiles, and adhesives are used in gluing down these tiles. The process of sanding in which the rough surfaces are smoothed out by rubbing sandpapers creates a large amount of dust, which is likely to inject Asbestos into the air and cause health issues.
- Symptoms of Asbestos encounter
If you feel that any of these symptoms occur, then call a doctor or a medical expert right away.
Feel claustrophobic even though there is
ample space for air circulation.
You are feeling wheezy or a sense of course
abruption in your throat.
● Any decorative materials used on the walls or soundproofing can also be one symptom. Any water leakage that seeps through walls requires repair, and the harsh repair of these issues can liberate Asbestos.
- Diseases caused by Asbestos
● Malignant Asbestos Diseases: Cancer such as lung, ovarian, laryngeal, pharyngeal, stomach, and colon can occur.
Non-Malignant Asbestos Diseases: asbestosis,
atelectasis, ascites, pleural thickening, pericardial effusion, and pleural
effusion can cause harmful damage to the body.
Final Thoughts
It is essential to take care of your home as much as yourself. The external and internal safety measures must be looked after with utmost precision. Our best advice is to avoid using Asbestos in Artex to keep away from any health risks.
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